Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lecture 3/31/10

- isotype movement: pictorial, universal language
- search for a universal language without words
- lexicons (pictorial language) for communicating information are engineered rather than illustrated -- socialist in nature
- Otto Neurath
- designers align with the notion of engineering - objective, rational, systematic and programmatic
- reliance on electronic information management
- design systems become a pervasive metaphor for design
- data integration from multiple sources - Herbert Bayer
- modernism and NY school
- modernism- images cast off neutrality, traditionalism, and provincialism and an embracing of the modern world - NYC is the cultural center
- 1940s design reflective of european models...step toward an original American approach to modernism
- Lester Beal - art of construction
- Paul Rand - an emphasis on the role of content and meaning
- Alexey Brodovitch - Harpers Bazaar
- Theo Ballmer
- Anton Stanowski
- Max Miedinger - Helvetica

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