Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lecture 1/27/10

  • Victorian art- art of persuasion is born - typography is stripped of its historical evolution for -The sake of commerce
  • ephemera
  • chromolithography
  • lithographic naturalism
  • John Gamble
  • Thomas Nast-father of the political cartoon
  • Brand identities become commodoties themselves demonstrating a design concept was a marketable one
  • John Ruskin and William Morris- The Arts and Crafts Movement - total design
  • Kelmscott Press
  • Art Nouveau: invented forms / ornament becomes structure / symbolic and philosophic concerns
  • Cheret and Grasset
  • decandence and aestheticism
  • the Beggarstaffs
  • Will Bradley
  • Jungendstil and Sezenssionstill
  • Koloman Moser
  • Joseph Hoffman
  • Glasgow School
  • Peter Behrens
  • Harry Beck
I really enjoyed this lecture because it was about art movements that I have always liked. I really love the style of Art Nouveau. I think that the romantic and ornate look to it is very interesting. i also enjoyed the second part of the lecture which talked about the end of the "ornateness" of Nouveau and the beginning of modern graphic design which is much more minimalistic.

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