Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lecture 2/10/10

Picasso- the relationship between form and communication
WWI posters
Ludwig Hohlwien
Ferdinand de Saussure- Structuralism
Dada Movement
Kurt Schwitters
Andre Breton

I have always loved the Dada Movement. I like the fact that it does not make sense and tried to almost destory everything that artists have tried to build since the italian Renaissance. I think that it was always going to be a "short-lived" art movement because art cannot be made just for the shock value. But it was revolutionary in the sense that it defied everything that the burgouise class thought was important. The only thing that I don not like about the Dada movement (and that I did not know until tonight) was the fact that they denied Kurt Schwitters from entering their movement. He obviously would have been a valuable asset to them.

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