Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lecture 2/17/10

  • Russian Suprematism,
  • Constructivism and De Stijl
  • Kasimir Malevich
  • Cubo-Futurism
  • Alexander Rodchenko-photomontage
  • Salomon Tellingater
  • Montage as the “fabrication” of a prototype for printing– not a unique work of art
  • Rodchenko and Soviet Propaganda and Commerce
  • EL Lissitzky
  • Veshech-modeled after "Merz" magazine
  • Prouns Space-merges 2 and 3d design in one space and becomes later exhibition design
  • "Beat the Whites With the Red Wedge"
  • "The Tale of Two Squares"
  • "For the Voice"
  • "The Isms of Art"
  • "Design For Press"
  • poster-icon of the 20th century graphic design
  • The Steinberg Brothers
  • Revolution completes the establishment of a "professional identity" for modern graphic design
I really enjoyed this lecture. I have always loved Russian Constructivism. I think that even though their art was used mainly for propaganda and to influence people, I think that he way they managed to do this was really interesting and beautiful. All of the posters are so visually powerful. It is also very interesting to see the way in which they used the new medium of photography and film as almost a substitute for illustration (which William Morris relied so much on). it personally great for me to study this movement because I love to create collages/photomontages and it has always been an influence in my work today...from their techniques to their somewhat stark color palettes. I also love the was they constantly used an axis in their work and their use of space.

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